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How To Remove Paint Stains From Carpet: A Step-By-Step Guide

Spilling paint on your carpet is like A complete nightmare. Paint can damage your carpets if not cleaned promptly, so it is necessary to act quickly to remove paint stains, whether they are water-based or oil-based. In this step-by-step guide, you will learn how to remove paint stains from your carpets, whether fresh, wet stains or old stains, without damaging your carpet.

Types of Paint Stains:

There are two types of paint commonly used to paint homes or offices. Understanding the paint type before cleaning is very important, as the cleaning process for both types of paint is completely different.

Water-Based Paint Stains:

Also known as latex or acrylic, water-based paints are commonly used for indoor and outdoor painting in homes. Removing water-based paint is quite easy if it is still wet. You will need a white cloth, and instead of rubbing, you should blot the paint stain (if it is not dry). Once water-based paint dries on your carpet, it creates a permanent stain as the water evaporates from the paint, and it becomes rigid in the fabric of your carpet.

For dried acrylic paint stains, we will use lukewarm water, spray or apply dish soap, and wait for a few moments. Then, blot the paint; rubbing will create more problems. Once you have gently blotted the paint, your stain will be removed. If it’s still there, apply this process a few more times. For the third time, instead of using lukewarm water, use hot water.

Oil-Based Paint Stains:

Oil-based paints are known for their durability. The process for removing oil-based paint is similar but not exactly like water-based paint because there is no latex in oil-based paint, and it is thicker and greasier than water-based paint. To remove oil-based paint, we will need to use a solution of paint thinner. You can get it from any paint shop or online store like Amazon. Once you apply the solution, you will have to use the same process: pick up a clean white cloth, apply dish soap with lukewarm or warm water, and blot the paint instead of rubbing it to avoid making your carpet dirtier. Visit our carpet cleaning service for expert stain removal if the paint stain persists and you want professional help.

Things You Need to Remove Paint Stains:

Here is a list of a few things you need to remove paint stains at home:

  • Spatula or dull knife
  • A clean white cloth
  • Dish soap
  • Warm or lukewarm water
  • Paint thinner (for oil-based paint stains)
  • A vacuum cleaner (optional)

Why Can't We Rub Paint Stains?

You should not rub a paint stain while cleaning it because it can push the paint deeper into the carpet fibers, creating a bigger mess. That is why, instead of rubbing, you should always blot the paint out from the carpet to avoid making any unnecessary extra stains.

How Does Rubbing Alcohol Remove Paint Stains from Carpet?

Rubbing alcohol acts as a solvent when you put rubbing alcohol on the carpet; it dissolves into the paint and breaks the bond between the pigments, especially if the paint is water-based. Once the paint loosens its ability to bond with the carpet fibers, it becomes easier to remove the paint from your carpets and make them paint stain-free.

Home Remedy to Remove Paint Stain:

Usually, paint stains aren't that problematic, especially if they are water-based paint stains. The two remedies listed above will remove the paint stain without causing much of a problem. However, if that's not enough, you can use nail polish remover, which contains acetone, to loosen the thickness of the paint merged into the fibers of the carpet.

Then, using dish soap and lukewarm water, you can remove the paint stains. You can also use, as discussed above, rubbing alcohol to loosen the bond between the pigments of the paint stains and remove them permanently from your carpet. If your carpet is still stained after these efforts, check our upholstery cleaning service to tackle fabric stains, or consider calling for professional assistance.


We understand that paint stains can be frustrating as they can affect the whole look of your home and damage your carpet. Removing those stains can sometimes be a hectic task for non-professionals, but by applying all the methods we have listed above for both types of paint stains, oil-based paint stains, and water-based or acrylic paint stains, it is certain that 70% to 80% of the time, this strategy will work, and the paint will be removed without any damage to your carpet.

If the paint isn't coming off and you have tried your best, you will need professional carpet cleaning services. At AB Carpet Cleaners, we have a team of professionals who have vast experience in dealing with such issues. We will make sure to resolve your problem and clean any kind of unnecessary paint stain or any other type of stain in a snap. So call us now to book your free in-house consultation, make your carpet stain-free, and restore your home’s aesthetic appeal.


To remove dried paint, scrape off as much of the dried paint as possible using a dull knife. Then, apply warm, soapy water and blot the area gently.

Yes, vinegar can be used as a mild solvent to remove water-based paint stains. Apply it with a clean cloth and blot the stain.

Paint begins to set on the carpet within a few minutes. It’s essential to clean the spill as soon as possible for effective removal.

The best solvent for oil-based paint is paint thinner or turpentine. Apply it carefully to avoid damage to the carpet fibers.

Yes, using a steam cleaner can help loosen stubborn paint stains. Apply the steam to the area while gently blotting the stain.

If the stain is persistent and you’re unable to remove it with DIY methods, hiring a professional carpet cleaner is a good option for a thorough job. Get help with cleaning your mattress from paint stains if the paint has also affected your bedding.